The roundabouts at the Designer Outlet on the A38 can be tricky for experienced drivers and those taking driving lessons.

What kind of roundabout is this?

This type of roundabout is called a “Spiral Roundabout”, it takes you from the right-hand lane to the left-hand lane as you progress around. There aren’t any others like this in the area so make sure you really do cover this in your driving lessons and ask your driving instructor to take you there. If you don’t practice with your instructor then this video should help you in your private practice with friends or family. Ensure you are comfortable with this junction setup.

How on earth do I cope with it?

These roundabouts catch lots of learner drivers out. Not only on their driving lessons but also on their driving test.

It’s important that when you approach the first roundabout you are getting the car slow. Remember that when leaving a 70 mph road you will be used to the speed to 30 mph will seem very slow.

Keep right on approach to the first roundabout and then as you’re leaving ensure you pick the lane you need. If you’re going back towards Mansfield then leave in the right-hand lane, left-hand lane for every other direction. These are highlighted on the video.

Keep your speed down on approach to the second roundabout and keep an eye on the road markings to ensure you’re heading in the correct direction.

The final word

Remember that even if you get it wrong all is not lost. Keep going in the direction that you’ve ended up in for the lane. If you change lanes and it’s not safe that could be a problem on your driving test.

Keep an eye on those road markings and other drivers who might not be as observant as you are.