We’ve asked our driving instructors in Mansfield to tell us which roads can cause their learner drivers difficulties on their driving lessons in Mansfield and Ashfield and for their driving tests.
Now we have some ideas, we’ve been out and about to start filming around Mansfield. This is to help our learners deal better with some areas that we know lots of learners have some problems with.
Even if you’re not learning with us, take a watch. It really might help you on your driving test.
The first one has been filmed by driving instructor Ian L and looks at the road past Kingsmill Hospital following the A38 towards Mansfield.
It focuses on how to deal with a bus that might stop at the Hospital, the misconception around the speed limit on the road, and the lane markings to ensure that you’re in the correct lane.
This is certainly one section of road that all our expert driving instructors cover during their driving lessons for clients who are living and learning in the Mansfield or Ashfield area.
Revolution Driving Lessons offers expert driving instructors and quality driving lessons in the Mansfield, Kirkby in Ashfield, Sutton in Ashfield, Alfreton, Matlock and Hucknall areas.